23. + 24. August 2024

Schützenmatte 3011 Bern

No Borders No Nations

support us.

buy Solibändeli.

you are the sponsor of this festival.


pfeil nach rechts


Arrival – from Bern main station 5min walk to Schützenmatte. Look after yourself and your friends.

Accessibility – wheelchair platform and barrier-free toilet is opposite the stage, next to the mixing board.

Awareness – means mutual respect. Read our concept. You can recognize the awareness team by the purple, fluorescent vests. They are here to support you.

Bars – are stocked with non–alcoholic and alcoholic drinks for you.

Chemtrails – unfortunately we couldn’t prevent them. Wear an aluminum hat.

Cigarettes – we sell them at the bars.

Cross–border behavior – We only think national borders are stupid – What is an assault is determined in each case by the person concerned.

Depot – 1.– per piece – depot at the end of the big bar or next to the food corner.

Dogs – please leave them at home (assistance animals are ok)

Fireworks – not compatible with so many people! Leave them at home.

First aid – you will find at the gate of the Grosse Halle or talk to working people.

Food – lots of delicious food from our local friends.

Frau (und Herr) Müller – buy some ear plugs!

Hearing protection – earplugs are available at the bar and at the information stand.

Helpers – nothing works without you – thank you!

Lectures – readings and workshops start on Thursday.

Merchandise – missed the crowdfunding? Don’t worry, we have a merch stand.

National flags – are unwanted! Uniforms and national jerseys too.

Nause – we (still) don’t like you.

Parking spaces – there are none.

Reitschule – only open for the lectures/readings.

Safer Space – if you need a place to retreat, please contact the awareness team.

Security team – works de–escalatively and is present on site.

Sleeping – there are no sleeping areas on the site.

Solibändeli – this is your way of supporting us. (recommended price per day 25.– CHF)

Sponsors – that’s you!!! Thank you for your great support!

Tickets – you don’t need them, get a Solibändeli!

WC – are next to the skate park and under the bridge.

Waste – there are bins and recycling points all over the site.

Water – free of charge at the drinking water station.

Site map



We do not tolerate discrimination based on age, religion, sexual orientation, gender, origin, race, physical characteristics, social class or disability.

We try to create a Schützenmatte free of discrimination, racism, classism, queerphobia, ableism & sexism.

Always ask for consensus. Consensus means that a person explicitly & voluntarily agrees to an action. Only a yes means yes!

Respect your boundaries & the boundaries of others. Consume consciously.

Language can be very violent, think about what words you use & what they can trigger.

Mistakes happen. If you receive feedback/criticism, try to accept it and refrain from saying “but”.

Be aware of your privileges and question them in your actions.

Have you experienced/observed a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable?

Talk about it with those around you. Don’t look away. You can also contact the awareness team (purple vests) or people who work for the festival. There is a Safer Space in the riding school.

You are jointly responsible for ensuring that everyone can feel as comfortable as possible at the NBNN. Try to resolve conflicts without violence. We behave respectfully towards each other and towards the infrastructure of the NBNN Festival.



Dear Supporters,

Thank you so much for your tremendous support during our crowdfunding campaign! Thanks to you, we reached the crucial milestone of 40,000 Swiss francs. Unfortunately, we could not successfully complete the final stage. Everyone who supported us in this incomplete stage will receive their money back in the next few days.

For those of you who claimed a goodie: you should receive it before the festival. We hope it brings you some joy.

We still rely on your support, both financially and through volunteer efforts. If you wish to support us financially, you can purchase a solidarity bracelet via Petzi.

If you do not have financial means but still wish to help, we are always grateful for extra hands. Please contact us via email helfende@nbnn.ch .

Thank you for your support and commitment!

With lots of love for you all, The NBNN Organizing Collective
